Jin Ah Tonic


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Eastern Woman 10K run

I have just got the application form from my colleagues. Thanks for helping to collect the form. It will be my 1st time to join a 10K marathon. Last year, me still remember we had participated the Anlene Orchard Mile held at Orchard. Woke up very early to meet at the MRT station.. hehe. Distance was short. A very achievable distance of 1.6km only. he he... This coming will be a 10Km. I should've try out the 5km first but under the category does not include the finisher medal and the certificate. I just want to achieve both. It is not a matter of whether we can make it or not. It is the WILL of trying the most difficult thing. Do not simply give up when you haven't step forward. Forget about the timing and just enjoy the race! My colleagues and niece will be there too! I am so proud of myself! I inspired my niece to do a 10km for her first step to a healthier lifestyle! Likewise for us. YEAH!!!

The race pack looked very very tempting. It includes

Exclusive Fila Tote Bag
Ladies-cut FILA event singlet (retail price: $39.90)
Finisher Medal
Race Certificate
1 bottle of Bayer One-A-Day Women’s Multivitamin
2 Nature Valley Granola Bars
30% off FILA products
One time use disposable ChampionChip for race timing

The event will be held at at Nicoll Highway, in front of Memorial Park on 1 Nov 09. Got to get up very early again. See u gals at the race day!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My thoughts

Hai yo Hai yo! Why should I be so angry??? Really nuts lo.... Perhaps is a kind of relieving stress ba.. ha ha.... Knowing dat my brother refused to pay for the utilities bill, I shouldn't got so tense up as it's just a small matter. I shouldn't 硬踫硬as it would be very exhausting. Further, it shows that its a state of immaturity. I have to be strong to face all the problems arrise.. As long my conscience is clear and end of the day, I might not be the loser.. Just be happy and spend the day with my love ones.... my loving mum and my dear jason...............**Muacks**Muacks***.. Oh, & also my dearest colleagues and friends.. They are also simply wonderful.... love love them too.......

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Enhancement Work at my work place

Hi Friends, some updates of my work place which I would like to share. My work place is presently in a messy condition due to the enhancement work within the premise. Exisiting foodcourt at level 2 had already relocated to level 1, occupying 3 units and our exsiting office as a result we had to relocate to a temporary office at level 6. The unit which was formally occuppied by the foodcourt had leased out to Daiso. Heard of the company?? I supposed ba... Daiso unit has subdivided into 3 units, leased out to another tenant in operations of Manicure & Pedicure...

Hoard up for the new tenants. Shall hand over the unit to both tenants on 30 June 09 so that they can proceed with their renovation works.

Foodfare is opening on 30 June 09

Though is pretty stressful with such a fast pace but most importantly is happy wif Satifaction! Everyday enjoying happily with an insane laugh,with all her colleagues and friends... ha ha ha ha... It was so greatful tat the main contractors were all helpful and nice.... We'll miss them & Hope to work wif them again.

Monday, June 22, 2009

These are too heavy

Just to look at them, I feel tired for them.... it is like carrying two water melon with you everday.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Involving another Volunteer Activity

Hao Yeah ! ! I'll be involving another Volunteer Activity on the Earth Day!!!! Shall update again when Im back!!!! Ta Ta ! !

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Temporary Office at ROOF TOP

Wah!!! Our temporary office is ready since last nite!!! We will be relocated to 6th Storey Carpark on this Saturday!! UP UP IN THE SKY!! hehe.............. At the same time while shifting, a mini birthday celebration as well as a mini BBQ will be held for my colleague. ha ha ha....... So excited!!! A busier year for us as there will also be improvement works such as tiling works and refurbishment of some tenanted units in the mall.

Photos of transportation of the container

The Arrival of our Temp Office, A Container!!!


OOH SO HOT!!! 3 mths later, we shall relocate again to the NEW office located at Level 2... OMG!! Why are we so busy as a BEEEEEEEEE....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Interesting thing happened

Have u ever seen this before???? Cleaners alerted and pointed to me this interesting thing happened in the toilet while I was going around to catch the cleaners.

A Sanitary Pad was observed sticking on the inspection card!

Observed sticking on the bin!

Observed sticking on the door ! ! !

Wondering why does a person behaving like a insane?????

Friday, February 27, 2009

Working Late

Received a funny article from my colleague of working late in the company. Moral of the story: In these days of cost cutting, leave office early!! <click on the pix to have a clearer understanding>

I think we should leave the office early !! ha ha ha