Hi Friends, some updates of my work place which I would like to share. My work place is presently in a messy condition due to the enhancement work within the premise. Exisiting foodcourt at level 2 had already relocated to level 1, occupying 3 units and our exsiting office as a result we had to relocate to a temporary office at level 6. The unit which was formally occuppied by the foodcourt had leased out to Daiso. Heard of the company?? I supposed ba... Daiso unit has subdivided into 3 units, leased out to another tenant in operations of Manicure & Pedicure...
Hoard up for the new tenants. Shall hand over the unit to both tenants on 30 June 09 so that they can proceed with their renovation works.
Foodfare is opening on 30 June 09
Though is pretty stressful with such a fast pace but most importantly is happy wif Satifaction! Everyday enjoying happily with an insane laugh,with all her colleagues and friends... ha ha ha ha... It was so greatful tat the main contractors were all helpful and nice.... We'll miss them & Hope to work wif them again.