Jin Ah Tonic


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wat's your GOAL if 10 - 20 years later?

Ever came across your mind?? Yesterday afternoon, received sms from my ex-coll Melissa, saying that she was in my building & wanna to meet me for kopi. We had a real long chat. Chat about those sickening guys in my office and personal life. ha ha.. Well could see that she has become more lively and energetic. haha.. Maybe NO STRESS lor. She say she is happy for me as she can see I'm also very lively and happy. Well, I told her that not true. Although I looked good but doesn't mean I am. I told her that Trials makes us "STRONGER' . I want to look ahead and dont' wish to mourn over those unhappy memories! A lesson that Taught! Presently melissa is working as a part-time teacher, and a housewife too. Hee hee.. Her goal was a housewife and she managed to achieve! Well dat's really great! Neither me but when can I become too?? ha ha..In fact I have another goal is to be a photographer. I have already pursued part of the graphic course but left out photography. If I want to be and at the same time I ought to know some graphic skills as to enhance those photos effect. Photography is an exciting job and a hobby too. You can go around taking objects or human photos and keep it as a piece of art. Isn't it?? One fine day company may not need me anymore but It' not totally end of the day as I'm still able to earn some income as a photographer.WOW, it seems far ahead but I don't agree becos we got to plan for our retirement yo! 10 years down the road, I may not want to work as a full time hence I can choose to work as a part time photographer & a housewife! hee hee! That's what I have been targeting at! It's really tired to work everyday when u really reach at that age! True, don't u agree??
I have been sourcing for course but quite pricey. haiz... Besides that, definitely got to invest a good SLR camera. Oh yes, maybe ask jason to sponsor for me. ha ha.. No la. Though money is a big issue but I believe it not going to stop me from pursing my goal! Friend, got to plan for your future too! Jia You! A skill is an advantage! All the best!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Never Get Married Because You Are In Love

Great Article: http://www.warmwisdompress.com/dating-love/Never_Get_Married_Because_You_Are_In_Love.aspx

True becos we can't always think that love is blind. Should consider those factors. Read it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is This ART??

Last Friday been for meeting at Robinson Road passed by a bus-stop and saw a advertisement board hanging a bra and a towel saying "Is This Art". HAHAHA... Yo! First time saw these ya.. That moment when I saw it, burst to laughter. At first I didn't notice it until Fei Jie showed it to me. You know la, I always laugh very loudly should anything funny caught my eyes. Those people standing at the bus-stop heard my laughter and giggle too.. I took photo of the ART. Can u see the pink bra hanging there??? hehe

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Sometime walking alone or even lying on the bed, telling myself that I got to be understanding as Jason don't have time for me. Knowing that most of my friends were happily spending day with their love one and mine was so busy working, feeling was sad and all I can do is sigh.............. Last time, Jason used to knock off early and rest day is always once a week on weekend. Ever since he moved on to another company, time is insufficient & rest day fall on weekday. haiz...... Many a time, I sat there waiting for his return till feeling very tired and nearly dozed off. He used to knock off at around 6.30 pm on every Sunday however, few weeks later the waiting time is back to square one. I was expecting that he could come back early and spend a few hours with me even if staying at home but wasn't as what I wish for. Most of the time till his return, it's almost late as our bed time is around half pass 10. At that time, both of our engine has already worn out. Sian... and bored. Every weekend, I will always bath my 2 dogs and do some housekeeping in order to keep me busy. Otherwise nothing else for me to do. Alternatively, go out with my mum.
I knew all along Jason wanted to have his own business hence he is working hard to fully take over from his boss. Well, all I can do is to wait and wait. Think of the future, perhaps next time he can company me everyday but am I able to wait for that day????? It's sad when u need your love one to stay with u & he is not there..
Wanted to chat for half an hour but within 10 mins, next line is his mum's call. Thot will only use for half and hour but not at all . It's 2 or 3 hours. We waited till fall asleep.
I don't deny that I do feel sad becos when I needed him, he is not with me. Since I have chosen him then I got to accept but don't know how long can I hold on.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Natas Fair 2007

Yo pals, get info dat the next Natas Fair will be on 14/9/07 - 16/09/07 at Singapore Expo. This time I got to make a trip to grab hot deals! We'll be planning for a short trip in Oct or Nov. Jason say it's time to take a break to spend time with me. heehee. Dat's right !

Sunday, July 1, 2007

PISSED OFF saturday

Weather was damn warm and unbearable so thot of going for a swim. Shit!! Never expected that it was closed. There after headed to serangoon, arhhhhhhhhhh... Closed too. We were so frustrated and pissed off then. so sickening! Me ended up resting at my friend's house chatting, well got free lunch..haha. Tks pal for cooking for me. Love ya.