Jin Ah Tonic


Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh Gosh! 1 Year Older

Today I am feeling extremely very delightful as my sickening manager was on leave. heehee..ha ha!!! Working through received a surprise from Jason. A cake attached with a card and a bouquet of fresh lily were being delivered to my office. Really deeply appreciated and the feeling was so wonderful. Cake was very delicious. yummy! Every1 was enjoying it. heehee... Yesterday went for a simple dinner with him and today went to Swensen for a mini treat with my colleagues and friends. Received some gifts.. heehee..... My wishes are hopefully I can spend my whole life with Jason peacefully and happily & friends whom I know, my sis-in-law, my beloved mummy, wishing them healthy and wealthy throughout the whole life. Oh sian la! I'm 1 year older liao.. Aunty Aunty Jeane .. ha ha ha

A sweet and lovely surprise

blow the candle , cut the cake and make a wish in the office before we set off. hee hee Holding the flower happily........

Friday, August 17, 2007

Condom Fashion Show in China

Condom Fashion Show in the fight against HIV / AIDS.. Condoms of all shapes and sizes were used to make dresses, hats and even lollipops. wedding gowns, scaly-looking evening dresses made entirely of condoms. Dare to wear ?? (click on the photo to have a clearer view)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

HDB Flats

Has anyone seen yesterday news pertaining to the application of HDB new flats. Well, now then HDB is giving priority to those first timers. Recently they had just launched a new BTO project at Punggol Vista and the changes will take effect immediately. Is that true?? Buying an almost prefect house wasnt an easy task. We went thru the HDB webbie hoping to get a good one but what it was left was those low floors, chinese ethic full (those "hot" area) or the houses too small. We give up after we got unsuccesssful for the balloting at the sengkang and Punggol area. If we r still unable to get a new flat, will slowly look out for a resale instead. Frankily speaking don't really like a resale flat as the designs don't meet my requirement. Personally I like those full-height, bay or planter-box windows. heehee. If looking at resale flat must not exceed 10 years lease becos the designs are typically old liao.. Hmm... Nowaday so difficult to get our desire one.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Is there such a person in this world

why why why?? I really don't understand what's actually happened??? I never came across in my life that there is really a unreasonable and damn barmy person besides me! sometime I got to admit that I am also another one whom still can get along with this type of person! Wa ! Really out of my mind! Some of my friends ever say that I am the only one who can endure with such a person! should have stay away. At times, give negative comments on me from my head to the toe & even my family & relationship. Still arguing that is her way of sharing !! Wat's dat? Hurt my feeling, Don't she know that?? What if she was in my shoe? One day, she asked me whether is her dressing looked like "Aunty"??? Her friend commented her. I don't dare to tell her the truth cos I knew she possibly can't take it and definitely start her machine gun again and shoot all the way to the end! I really can't tolerate anymore! Manage to give myself ample of chances to accept her again and thought that she have changed to a normal person however, recently resumed again ! Oh my goodness!!!! ARHHHHHHHH. FAINT!!! A timeless bomb that can explode anytime. When recalled back, really very scary. On one of the occasion, deleted 1 of her photo because thought that she dislikes it. Never realised that she was really very angry and keep on pursuing this matter. I have already apologised to her but she simply don't accept and insisted that she want the photo and keep on saying I am a very bad friend and bla bla bla! OH, really nuts nuts!! I don't want to reply and hope that she could cool down and stop talking nonsense again but Not at all! Still pestering again! Saying why I don't reply anymore and its rude?? WA LAO!!!!! What does she want! Well, this time really wake up!! Never had peace at all ever since we reconcile!! CRAZY!!! It's really help if we know how to choose a friend. SAIN!!! REALLY NUTS NUTS NUTS!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Big Five personality traits

Every good article. Read it! My present manager was classified in one of the category. Neither me and YOU. HA HA.