Jin Ah Tonic


Friday, September 26, 2008

Dedicated Staff

Yes It's me!!! Ha ha !!! My company would want to show their appreciation to us with rewards for our dedicated years of service, commitment and loyalty to them leh. Guess Wat???? Of cos is the long service award la..... Ha ha ha!!!!! Hao liao right???? ha ha ha.....I'll be getting my 5 years long service award in the year end and it'll be presented at an appropriate company function or event. Aiyo, pai seah le as this is my first time going up the stage getting the reward... **Blush** **Blush** he he he..................

The award were so fascinating lol. It comprises of $500 CapitaVouchers leh, A souvenir worth about S$100* & a certificate! Can use the voucher to buy for my wedding needs liao... WA HA HA HA HA..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to detect a liar?

This is very interesting! Still remember when I attended a few days Psychology training nominated by my company. We were taught about eye moments and nose touching.. My Lecturer said when a person lies, usually they will rub or touch their nose every mins.. hehehe... How to detect a liar? How to catch a liar without high tech equipment such as a lie detector? You need a good eye, good ear and a healthy skepticism.

  • People tend to touch their nose and scratch their face when they lie.
  • Follow their eyes, liar then to blink a lot and cannot maintain eye contact.
  • Check their smile, people who are telling the truth tend to use many facial
    muscle but liar just smile with their mouth.
  • Pay attention to details, liar tend to provide more information that necessary,
    they are being overly specific when they are making things up.
  • Change conversation subject, if they are over relief then it is a sign of lying.

Watch the video for more tips.Liars are everywhere and the information gained might be useful in our daily conversation with friends and strangers. According to JuriSense on touching the nose:
When Bill Clinton testified about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, he touched his nose every four minutes when lying, but rarely touches his nose when telling the truth. Blood pressure goes up when a person lies and otherwise feels anxious, angry or upset, which causes a tingling in the nose. People will often lightly touch the underside of their nose, by the nostrils, to satisfy this itch. This touching is quicker and gentler than the more deliberate, vigorous, repetitive rub to satisfy a typical itchy nose. It may occur several minutes after the lie, when the attorney is speaking with another juror.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

“Curry so Good"

"Curry so Good"! Yes, opened recently at Rivervale Mall Level 1. They offer curry rice and curry udon sets where you can choose to have the curry mild or spicy. They also sell bento set which includes potato salad, vegetable sald, rice, fukujinzuke (japanese pickles) and takuan (japanese radish). They offer Dine in service as well. Both my colleague and I bought for our lunch. I had a set of Mixed Fry $6.90 and my colleague had a set of Pork Katsu Omu $6.90. Yummy! Give it a try if you happened to patronise my mall.. Ha Ha Ha... as if I owned the MALL... Ha Ha Ha

This is the Mixed Fry that I had for my lunch.... Tempting???

This is the Pork Katsu Omu